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Warty chameleon

Furcifer verrucosus

Description: Warty chameleons are usually sandy brown or gray with blotches in various sizes, however like all chameleons, they are capable of changing color. They have a thick white streak along each side. On their head is a helmet-like crest (casque). They also have a small crest that runs from the eyes to the snout and other crests that run down the throat, along their bellies and flanks. They have a long prehensile tail that is used for grasping when climbing and moving and a long sticky tongue. Females are duller in color.

Size: Male Warty chameleons grow to a total length of 22 inches (56 cm) and females are quite a bit smaller at only eight inches (21 cm).

Behavior: They are arboreal, diurnal, aggressive and solitary. In hot weather, they will find a sandy burrow to inhabit in order to remain cool.

Diet: They are opportunistic hunters, feeding mainly on insects that pass by within reach of their long tongue.

Communication: Chameleons change colors to communicate with their mate, defend their territories and to show emotions.

Reproduction: Females lay a clutch of 30 to 60 eggs once every year. After an incubation period of about 200 days the eggs hatch. The juveniles reach maturity after about six to twelve months.

Habitat/range: Warty chameleons inhabit arid disturbed land; including areas near the sea. They
are endemic to the island of Madagascar.

Status: Listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.
