Venezuela, a country in northern South America, is unmatched for its spectacular geographic and natural diversity. From the mouth of the Orinoco, through the savannas and jungles to the Andean region, unparalleled massive concentrations of flora and fauna abound – the reason for choosing this relatively unspoiled and unknown part of the world as the “blueprint” for the ORINOCO – Secrets of the River rainforest exhibit which opened in 1997. The DWA has worked with Venezuelan government agencies such as FUNPZA, PROFAUNA, MARN and the Venezuela Crocodile Specialist Group since 1996, in cooperative programs involving Orinoco crocodiles, Antillean manatees, River otters, Red howler monkeys and many other animals. Since 2011, we have worked with Earth Matters, an NGO based in Florida, to provide assistance for their conservation program for the largest raptor in the world, the Harpy eagle.
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Alexander Pilar Blanco Marquez D.V.M.
Programa de Conservación del Águila Harpía (Project Harpy Eagle Conservation) Caracas, Venezuela Blanco, a wildlife veterinarian, has dedicated his career to the conservation of South American species. It is his work wi…
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Grupo de Especialistas en Crocodilos de Venezuela (GECV)
Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente (MINAMB) PROFAUNA, FUNDAZOO, FUNPZA, MRNRThe Dallas World Aquarium has been involved with in situ and ex situ conservation of the Orinoco crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius ) since 1997 when a joint venture…
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Zoologico Metropolitano del Zulia
Maracaibo, VenezuelaThe Dallas World Aquarium has been involved with Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus ) since September 1997, when a baby manatee was accidentally caught in Lake Maracaibo, the largest lake on the South American continent. The…
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