The most brilliantly colored of the six species of flamingos, this familiar bird breeds in various Caribbean islands, the Caribbean coast of South America, the Yucatan Peninsula, and the Galapagos.…
Jacanas are highly specialized relatives of sandpipers and plovers, found in tropics around the world. In some places they are called lily-trotters because their extremely long toes enable them to…
Found in forests from southern Mexico to Argentina, this owl was known to the Aztecs for sounding like "tiles clinking together". Instead of hooting, they primarily produce a rapid knocking…
Found all the way from the prairies of Southern Canada to Tierra del Fuego at the tip of South America, this is one of the most widespread birds of the…
Famed as the "Owl with the Southern Accent", its call (frequently heard around Dallas) has been paraphrased as "Who Cooks for You-all!". Traditionally a bird of the eastern US, with…
Instead of a screech, this bird actually produces a rather gentle-sounding descending trill. Being small, it is prone to being eaten by other owls. On the other hand, they are…
Also known as the Rainbow-billed or Sulfur-breasted toucan, it is popular for its resemblance to "Toucan Sam™", the "Froot Loops®" mascot. The northernmost of the large toucans, it ranges from…
The Mayans and Aztecs demanded rare tribute from their subject peoples. The feathers of quetzals were prized more than gold. The five species of quetzals are specialized trogons, found from…
A top-of-the-food chain predator, this enormous bird is not abundant anywhere in its vast range from the Mexican States of Veracruz and Oaxaca south to Argentina, Bolivia, and Southern Brazil.…
This marvelous parrot was one of the first New World animals brought alive to Europe, in the 1500s. Long before, it was prized as a pet, and for its feathers,…