Description: Red-breasted toucans are small toucans with black upper parts and red belly with a yellow-orange bib. The rather short (four inch / 10.2 cm) bill is green (sometimes referred to as the Green-billed toucan), with highlighted maxillar “teeth.” The skin around the eye is red while the feet are blue. The Red-breasted derives its name from the large area of red feathers, which are actually on the abdomen; breast is orange, with yellow at the sides.
Size: One of the smaller species of toucans, it weighs 9.4-14.2 ounces (265-400 gr) and measures 16-18 inches (40-46 cm) in length.
Behavior: Red-breasted toucans live in pairs or small family groups.
Diet: Diet consists of fruit, nuts and animal prey.
Communication: The vocalization is a loud, harsh “croaking” sound, accompanied by head tossing and tongue rattling.
Reproduction: Three to six white eggs are laid in hollow spaces in trees, previously formed by other animals. Both sexes incubate for a period of 16 to 18 days; feathers appear after the first month and will be fully developed at four months. It is noted that the male will feed the hen, while she incubates eggs. Both parents feed the chicks, often by regurgitating food items.
Habitat/range: This southern species is found in moist lowland forest in Argentina, Brazil and
Status: Listed as Least Concern by IUCN Red List.