Description: Bare-faced curassows are sexually dimorphic (males and females differ in appearance). Males are mostly black; have a very white belly; a yellow bill with a dark tip; a yellow cere; and dark gray legs and feet. Females have extensive barring on her upperparts; a rufous chest and belly; a black bill and cere; and reddish-pink legs and feet. They both have curled crests and extensive bare black skin on the face, thus their common name.
Reproduction: The nests are large and made of twigs and branches held in place by the stems of grasses, which are interwoven between them. The nest is lined with down feathers and leaves. The clutch size is usually two eggs that are incubated for about 30 days. The chicks are precocial (born relatively independent) at hatching.
Habitat/range: They inhabit subtropical or tropical dry forests and moist lowland forests in Brazil, Paraguay, eastern Bolivia and northern Argentina.
Status: Categorized as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

Size: These turkey-sized birds weigh about 6.5 pounds (3 kg).
Behavior: They forage on the ground and at night they roost in trees in order to be safer from predators. They live in small flocks.
Diet: Their diet consists of fruits that have fallen to the ground as well as flower, seeds and shoots.
Communication: Their location call is a muffled “buitju, buitju, buitju” and a more simpler “bitt, bitt.” They also utter “hm-hm-hm hm-hm hm- hm or hm-hm-hm hm-hm-hm.” During the breeding season, males use a series of deep booming calls to attract a mate. They also use visual displays by flapping their wings, showing off the contrast between their black wings and white belly.