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Victoria crowned pigeon


The largest members of the pigeon and dove family, the three species of crowned pigeons are found only in New Guinea and small nearby islands. All have powder-blue feathers and red eyes, but this species is distinguished by the unique “tabs” on its crest. Though capable of flight, it is usually found on the ground. It does well in captivity and has been bred in many collections.

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African green pigeon


The 23 species of Green pigeons are found in Africa, Asia and the Lesser Sundas. They are usually found in trees, where they eat fruit, especially figs. The green coloration is due to carotenoid pigments similar to those that produce the red and pink plumage of flamingos. While common over a wide area of Tropical Africa, this species is not often seen in zoos.

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Chiriqui quail-dove


Like other quail-doves, Chirquis spend most of their time on the ground. This species is found in mountain forests in Panama and Costa Rica. Though a number were hatched in a California private collection in the 1950s, it had become very rare in captivity when two pairs from Panama were received by the DWA in 2008. Breeding commenced soon after arrival, and many have hatched since. They are displayed in several places in the facility.

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