
Guianan cock-of-the-rock, Rupicola rupicola
Male Guianan cocks-of-the-rock are bright orange birds with large, orange, half-moon crests on their heads. This edge of the crest is lined with a brown band. The crest remains erect and covers the bill. They have black and white wing bars and black on their tails. The bill, legs, and skin are orange as well. Females are a drab brown color. Their bill is black with a yellow tip and they have a smaller crest than the males.
Capuchinbird, Perissocephalus tricolor
This strange bird, with its bald head and huge dark eyes, is also known as the Calf bird, because of its remarkably loud deep call. Like the Cock-of-the-rock, it is a member of the Cotinga family, found only in Tropical America. Its range is defined by the intersection of three rivers: Amazon, Orinoco, and Rio Negro. Though first taken into captivity nearly 60 years ago, it has always been a treasured rarity in zoos. Until the DWA achieved multiple successes in 2011, the only full captive breedings had been at San Diego Zoo, in the 1990s.