Description: As the name suggests, the Golden tanager is rich yellow-orange in color. The bright color contrasts with the black lores, oribital ring, line above bill, ear coverts, streaked back and wings and tail. The bill is also black and the iris is dark brown. Under the golden-yellow throat, a cinnamon color band may be seen on the upper breast, and down sides and flanks. The tail is black; legs and feet are gray. Sexes are similar but females are usually duller.
Size: They are approximately five inches (13 cm) long, with an average weight of 0.78 ounce (22 gr).
Behavior: This active species can often be seen in small groups and traveling with mixed species flocks. They roost in pairs or in a small family group.
Diet: These omnivores eat fruits and insects. Their preference seems to be arthropods and much time is spent foraging for them. Their bright colors make it easy to often see them hopping on branches where they search on both top and underneath side for prey.
Communication: The calls of the Golden tanager appear to be different in various parts of its range – with sounds ranging from being short, moderate- pitched to perching high-pitched.
Reproduction: Most tanagers are monogamous and males attract their mates by offering food and displaying their colors and patterns. The open cup-like nest is probably made by both parents, at least the material is provided by both. Leaves and plant fibers are used and two white or grayish-white eggs are laid. Eggs are incubated by the female for about 15 days. Nestlings are fed by both parents, along with other assistants, possibly other family members. Fledging occurs after 14- 16 days. Two or possibly three broods may be raised in a season.
Habitat/range: The Golden tanager is mainly a forest- dwelling bird, found in montane forest and at some forest borders from Venezuela to Bolivia.
Status: Listed as Least Concern by IUCN.