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Black ocellaris clownfish

Amphiprion ocellaris

Description: The Black ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), also known as the Black percula or Black and white false Percula clownfish is very distinctive with its jet-black body and three white stripes on each side. It has gray/orange irises. Juveniles of this color variety can be light brown in color until they mature.

Size: This fish reaches a maximum size of three inches (8 cm).
Behavior: It can be found individually, in pairs or small groups within the same anemone. Like other clownfish, the Black ocellaris, has a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones. In exchange for bringing food to the anemone, it receives protection.

Diet: The Black ocellaris clownfish is omnivorous, eating crustaceans (such as copepods and amphipods), algae, polychaete worms and scraps from the host anemone.

Reproduction: Black ocellaris clownfish are egg layers who deposit the eggs on a flat surface near their host anemone. The parents defend the eggs and will aerate them by fanning. The eggs will normally hatch in 6-11 days, depending on the temperature.

Habitat/range: It is normally found in association with anemones on the reefs in parts of the Indo- Pacific region.

Status: The popularity of clownfish and their demand for the aquarium trade has reduced the population size. The species is not classified as threatened or endangered (IUCN); however, they may become threatened as coral reefs decline.
