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Antilles pink-toed tarantula

Avicularia versicolor

Description: The Antilles pink-toed tarantula is also known as the Martinique red-toed tarantula. As spiderlings, their color is a dark bluish-black but will become very colorful as it matures. The metallic green carapace is in contrast to the hairy red abdomen; the black legs that are covered with red, brown, purple hairs, and as the name suggests, the toes are rather pinkish in color.

Size: The Avicularia versicolor is considered to be a medium-sized tarantula that is between 4.5 to 6 inches (11-15 cm) in length. Males are thinner than the bulkier females.

Behavior: Antilles pink-toed tarantulas are tree- dwellers. Even though they are quite shy, they can be very agile and quick. They spin intricate funnel-shaped webs in tree bark, in which they will spend most of their time. As with all tarantulas, they go through molts as they outgrow their existing skin.

Diet: Although this species normally feeds on insects, they will also include frogs, lizards and mice.

Reproduction: Hooks on the first pair of legs on the males are used to hold on to the fangs of the female while mating. After the eggs are laid, they are enclosed in a silken ball for protection. The female will guard them until they hatch, some six to eight weeks later.

Habitat/range: This arboreal species is native to Martinique and Guadeloupe in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of South America.

Status: Even though this species is one of the most popular tarantulas by hobbyist, they are not endangered; not assessed for the IUCN Red List.
